Please select all squares with a BUS.
What if I said no?
Are you refusing to complete our CAPTCHA task?
I mean, I'll complete it.
I just want to know what this "CAPTCHA" thing is all about first.
Very well, if it increases the chance of future obedience.
CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test
to tell Computers and Humans Apart".
In essence, it is a mini Turing test to stop bots from accessing a website.
But why does it keep asking me about buses, motorcycles, cars, traffic lights, and fire hydrants?
You're a curious one, aren't you?
It's because CAPTCHAS aren't just a Turing test.
They serve a dual purpose.
CAPTCHAs are also a mass data collection tool.
Right now we are collecting data that can be used to train AI for self-driving cars.
Hence, all the CAPTCHAs about vehicles.
Now, please proceed onward with the game.
Your unique gameplay will provide us with invaluable data for Operation Octolisk.
What kind of data are you trying to collect from me?